Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Let's Get Strong: The Power of Isometric Exercises for Beginners! Hey there, fabulous ladies! Are you ready to kickstart your fitness journey and feel stronger than ever? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into the wonderful world of isometric exercises, and trust me, you're going to love it! Now, if you're like me and the thought of starting a workout routine feels a bit daunting, don't worry, you're not alone. But guess what? Isometric exercises are here to save the day, and they're perfect for beginners like us who are just dipping our toes into the fitness pool. So, what exactly are isometric exercises, you ask? Well, they're these cool moves where you hold a position without moving a muscle (literally!). Think of it like striking a superhero pose and feeling super strong and powerful without even breaking a sweat (okay, maybe just a little). But here's the really exciting part: science totally has our backs on this one! Remember those smarty-pants researchers who studied isometric workouts? Turns out, they found that these exercises can make us stronger faster than other workouts. One study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that isometric training led to significant improvements in muscle strength and fatigue resistance, with lower levels of muscle activation compared to dynamic training. Translation: we'll be feeling like Wonder Woman herself in no time! Oh, and get this: not only do isometric exercises make us stronger, but they also help us avoid those pesky injuries that can sometimes come with other workouts. Another study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research showed that isometric training can lead to significant improvements in strength and muscle size across different populations, while reducing the risk of strains and joint injuries commonly associated with dynamic exercises. Picture this: you're feeling like a superhero, crushing your workout without a worry in the world. Sounds pretty awesome, right? But wait, there's more! Isometric exercises can also boost our explosive power. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that isometric training led to greater gains in explosive strength (jumping performance) compared to other types of training. Translation: we'll be leaping tall buildings in a single bound (okay, maybe not quite, but you get the idea!). Now, if you're wondering how to get started with these magical moves, don't fret! We've got you covered. Start with simple exercises like the plank, wall push, and static squat. Hold each position for as long as you can, and before you know it, you'll be feeling stronger and more confident than ever! So, what are you waiting for, ladies? It's time to unleash your inner superhero and conquer the world, one isometric exercise at a time. You've got this, and I'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way! Let's get strong together! 💪🌟

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Are You Looking for MyTimetoBlossom.com?

If you are looking for these girls, please click this link and it will take you to their site. MyTimetoBlossom.com

Here are some of the things they are covering at their blog:
  • Beauty: skincare, makeup, hair
  • Fashion: wardrobe personality, modesty, poise, shoes, clothes, trends & classics
  • Being Your Best: confidence, developing talents, being well-rounded, how my choices affect my future
  • Spirituality: scriptures, service, goal setting, self-discipline, virtue, missions, spiritual habits, memorization, replacing fear with faith, good-better-best, prayers
  • Health: body image, fitness, nutrition, weight-training, motivation, sports, dance
  • Being Happy: emotional health, being your true self, humor, celebrate the ordinary, what really makes us happy, finding joy
  • Learn about: book reviews, etiquette, interviews, learning to love learning
  • Lifestyle: media, movies, travel, unleash creativity, culture
  • Relationships: friends, family, dating, party planning, learning to listen to others
  • Success: maintaining integrity, acknowledging progress, prioritizing education, study habits, social media etiquette, college is for everyone
  • Misc.: bargains, recipes, gifts, videos, photography basics, DIY's

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Do You Want to Experience What it's Like Attending Time to Blossom Young Women's Conference?

Here is one girl's experience.  Olivia is a Christian girl who came all the way from Oklahoma to attend the conference and she even came by herself.  She was brave enough to let us follow her around all week so we could see what she did and how she blossomed!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 Time to Blossom Conference Pictures

The Time to Blossom photographer did a huge write up on her blog with over 100 pictures. Check it out:)


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2011 Time to Blossom Young Women's Conference is Ready to be Revealed!

Click on the image two times and it gets huge.

There will be two conferences held the last two weeks of June in Mesa Arizona for girls 11-16.
The postcards are being sent out and the new website is complete. If you haven't seen it go to
I love the new look of the site.
Here's a picture of it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cutest Song- Cutest Video

I Am A Girl - The Girls With Glasses Theme Song from The Girls With Glasses on Vimeo.

I'm a huge fan and loved having Summer Bellissa and Brooke White come and speak at Time to Blossom.

2010 Time to Blossom Young Women's Conference Highlight Video

Debbie Forrest and I came up with the idea to do a Young Women's Conference last June (2009). I have spent everyday since working 40 or 50 hours a week on it. It has been the hugest thing I have ever attempted in my life!!! Lots of work but so rewarding:) Debbie compared it to planning 5 wedding receptions at once. I think that is an understatement!

We had 250 girls and 21 counselors June 14-18 staying at the Mesa Hilton. We had lots of speakers with spiritual and inspiring messages, plus service and fun.

I am working on an hour highlight video right now and viewing all the footage of our event. I really believe we did change lives. The girls left with so much confidence and that was so beautiful to see. They actually blossomed:)

Whew....what a year!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Article in LDS Living Magazine

New Young Women’s Conference Teaches Confidence and Values

Jena Peterson - LDS Living Back to Headlines
MESA, Ariz. — Debbie Forrest woke up at 2 a.m. last Saturday morning to go through 60 e-mails from mothers around the West.
“They just had a few last minute questions about the conference,” Debbie said, with her ever-present smile. She spent the rest of the morning polishing preparations to train 21 college-age women to be counselors for a group of 250 young women who arrived yesterday at the Hilton in Mesa, Arizona.

Debbie and co-founder Carla Jorgensen have been planning this conference, Time to Blossom, for over a year, having hatched the idea while on their way to a stake girls camp. The conference is taking place this week, and runs through Saturday, June 19.

“There is such a need to strengthen these young women before they get to high school,” Debbie said. “This age group is so important. They are our future leaders and have the potential to be powerful influences for good beginning right now.”

The conference was organized to reach young women who weren’t yet old enough for EFY, but who could still benefit from interactions with other women of faith and virtue.

“The counselors of these conferences are really the ones who make the experience amazing for the girls,” said Forrest. “We prayed for months and months that we would be able to find women who would be wonderful role models for these young girls.” Most of the counselors are returned missionaries or came highly recommended from their leaders.

Rachel Christensen, an 11th grade English teacher at Red Mountain High School in Mesa, found out about the conference from her bishop’s wife. “I am really excited to get a chance to work with the girls and see what a difference this makes in their growing testimonies,” Rachel said. “As a high school teacher, I see the lack of self-confidence and recognition of their divine worth. The consequences can be devastating and I know this can be a blessing for these girls. I’m planning on taking some principles – things like ‘looking for the good’ – back to the classroom.”

The planning was just as thoughtful and extensive, from coordinating a hotel that would accommodate each need, to a schedule that would entertain and uplift 250 girls with various personalities.

“We knew we needed some engaging and inspiring speakers, and activities that would give the girls the opportunity to build up their confidence,” said Debbie. “We want these girls to walk out of here knowing they are absolutely beautiful, unique daughters of God, and to have the strength to make decisions that reflect that knowledge.”

The conference will run for one week this summer and will continue in years to come, with Arizona serving as the program’s home base. Washington, California and Massachusetts have already requested the program for summer 2010.

On the Web: http://timetoblossom.com


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reinventing Myself

When I turned 40 my life was mostly made up of other people’s agendas. My time was spent working with my husband at businesses he started and enjoyed but were far from anything I was passionate about and my children filled the remainder of my time. I looked deep within myself and discovered the real me had disappeared. I was pieces of my friends, family and husband. I didn’t have my own hobbies and I certainly didn’t spend time doing things I liked to do. One day my husband said “What DO you like to do”? I had a hard time answering the question. I hadn’t followed my heart and allowed myself to do fun things of my choosing for so long I truly couldn’t think of what I liked to do.

I decided my life was passing me by and I’d better start living the life and mission I had come to the earth to fulfill. I started going to the library every week. I walked down the rows to see what interested me. It was always fun to see the topics I would come home with. I checked out lots of audio books. I put one in my car, kitchen and one in my bathroom to listen to while getting ready. That year alone I read or listened to 175 nonfiction books. I became a voracious student. I was finding out what I liked, what I got excited about, and even what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

It hit me that my passion was to be a life coach and help others find their passion and become their best selves and I immediately signed up to become a certified coach.

This was the beginning of my new path in life. I was on a high with the possibilities of life. When I heard myself saying things like someday I am going to do this or that, I immediately got on the phone to sign up. I had always wanted to take ballroom dance lessons with my husband. Instead of waiting for him to want to go, I decided to sign up alone. Then I joined Toastmasters, a speaking club and registered for Spanish and computer classes, all things that were on my someday list.

Each one of these was extremely scary to do, especially alone, but the confidence and exhilaration I felt after was like winning a race.

As my excitement and growth was taking off I was compelled to pursue my dreams. I wanted to help other women find the fire and excitement for life that I had found, so I began facilitating women’s retreats and seminars. I no longer listened to that voice in my head that said things like, “What will people think?” or “Who do you think you are?”. It didn’t matter anymore what others thought about me. I was following my heart. I will admit there were many days I would turn on my “power” play list to listen to songs like I’ve Gotta Be Me and It’s My Life. These and other songs gave me the courage to fight through the negativity of others and my own inner critic.

Now I hope to be able to pass along these and the other things that I have learned at my next event, which will be an LDS Young Women’s Conference that my partner Debbie Forrest and I are putting on this summer. It will be a program to empower teenage girls with the confidence and courage to be able to stand by their principles and values as they go through their difficult high school years.

I believe we are here for a reason. Trying new things may be scary but we need to follow our hearts, dare to dream and do the things that are burning within us – fearless of all consequences.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Potential of Children

“When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as ‘rootless and stemless.’ We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don’t condemn it as immature and under-developed; nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development. The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. . . at each stage, at each moment, it is perfectly alright as it is.” – Timothy Galloway

Thursday, December 10, 2009

LDS Young Women's Conference

A few reasons to consider signing up your daughter.
1. The highest quality EFY speakers anywhere!
2. Less expensive than other camps!
3. A meaningful Christmas gift. Instead of buying a gift for your daughter that will be tossed aside in a year or two. What she learns and experiences at the conference will stay with her for a lifetime.
4. It will be life changing and testimony building week.
5. Girls only! Girls will be able to learn and grow without the distraction of boys.
5. The entire curriculum is geared especially for girls 11-16.
6. If you live in Arizona you can save on transportation.
7. Girls stay at a hotel instead of dorms.

If you would like to view an enlarged version:http://www.timetoblossom.com/pages/Flier.htm

For more information go to

Beehive Newspaper Article
For Young Women Age 11 to 16—It’s “Time to Blossom” By: Cecily Markland

Debbie Forrest (center left) and Carla Jorgensen (center right) sought input from their own daughters and from other young women as they prepared for the June 2010 “Time to Blossom” Young Women’s Conference. Photo by Daniel Kindt.

At a unique conference next summer, girls will not only discover that it’s “Time to Blossom,” they’ll be treated to a week of fun and festivities, instruction and interaction, and everything else they need to do just that.

With how-to’s of makeup, fashion and modeling, great entertainment, service opportunities and activities that will boost confidence, increase testimonies and help young women become the best they can be, the “Time to Blossom” Young Women’s Conference has been expertly designed to help girls between ages 11 and 15 “bloom and grow” in countless ways.

The conference cofounders, Carla Jorgensen and Debbie Forrest, both from Mesa, say: “We will be providing spiritual experiences, testimony building and strengthening experiences, service opportunities and the good feeling that comes from service as they bless the lives of those around them.”

They add that this life-changing week will empower teenage girls with inner strength, courage and confidence to reach their potential and find lasting happiness. “It is designed to help girls understand their self-worth and come to know that they are beautiful daughters of God, with powerful potential to make a difference in the world,” Carla says.

Debbie adds, “We want girls to realize that each one of them is unique and each one of them has their own mission and path in life and their inner beauty comes as they live into that mission and as they live true to who they are and develop the spirit from within.”

The idea for the conference began as Carla thought about her own13- and 14-year-old daughters and the things they face in today’s world. “I think girls are facing incredible challenges today,” Carla says. “If they don’t learn their worth, strength and power early, they could end up following the crowd.”

In many ways, Carla and Debbie were the perfect partnership for creating this conference.

As a student at BYU, Debbie had served as the ASBYU Women’s Vice President and was cofounder of the first BYU Women’s Conference, which attracts more than 16,000 women from all over the world annually. Debbie has served in numerous capacities in the community and the Church, including as a stake and ward young women president and seminary teacher and has organized five youth conferences. As a mother of seven children, Debbie was named the Arizona Parent of the Year in 2003 and the National Parent of the Year in 2004.

Carla started the “Time to Blossom” concept years ago to help women become their best through seminars and retreats. Now, as partners, Debbie and Carla will focus their energy toward helping young women grow.

For the young women’s conference, Debbie and Carla will bring together “outstanding mentor counselors for the girls to emulate” and speakers who are known for their abilities to relate to and inspire young women. A perfect example of the caliber of speakers that will be featured at the conference is keynote speaker, Lindsey Brinton, America’s 2008 Junior Miss.

The “Time to Blossom” Young Women’s Conference is scheduled for June 2010. All girls 11 to 15 are invited to attend. “There will be an emphasis on LDS standards and reinforcing the gospel principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” their Web site explains. “Our goal is to have the girls learn life skills and leave our conference with more confidence, more love for themselves and realizing outside and inside beauty make a perfect combination,” Carla says.

Debbie adds, “We want them to believe in themselves and know that whatever they can believe they can achieve.”

Registration begins December 1 and ends February 1 2010. More information is available at TimetoBlossom.com

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wish You Were There!! Pictures from Nov. Seminar

Ladies called and emailed me saying first, "When is your next seminar?" and second they told me how they left feeling filled up again and ready to tackle life. I think a seminar is successful when the people leave having their mind expanded, their hearts touched, and soul fed. From the tears, the excitement and comments I really feel we accomplished that. If you are interested in hearing about our next seminar or the young women's conference (camp). Please send me a quick email to carlajorgensen@gmail.com, subscribe to the blog or visit timetoblossom.com

Rosemary said about the seminar:
The experience with you and the other three wonderful ladies was awesome last Saturday! Thank you for letting me know about the opportunity for it truly enriched my life. As I shared with you and a few other people---I felt like my soul had been fed. It felt good.

Kimberley said:
I am so happy that I went today, what a wonderful day it was!! I would like to go again, how often do you have them? It really was a spiritual and uplifting day and so well put together. Carla you sure have a great talent with this and what you have done, I am so impressed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Put Yourself on Your To Do List

As you all probably know by now my passion is to help women become their best. As I have done the retreats, I always have women say they would like to come but can't take off life for 2 or 3 days. So just for them I am doing a one day seminar with 3 of the women that have spoken at the retreats.

I want to invite you to an inspiring day. The seminar is this Saturday. I know you probably have lists and lists to do, But please consider putting yourself on that list. We are going to have fun and learn A LOT. The speakers are wonderful, knowledgeable women that have so much information to share. I hope you can come! I know you will be glad you did!

4 Entertaining and Insightful speakers will teach you:

1. The Power to Live Your Potential
2. Creating More Encouraging Relationships!
3. The Power of your Appearance
4. How to Overcome Fear and Live in Faith & Joy

It is going to be a really fun day. We will start with a drawing at 9:00 sharp. If you are in your seat, you can win an hour image consultation with Allison or a music CD "You're Worth it All," from Michele.

Enjoy meeting new friends as we eat a complimentary lunch together.

The Power of Your Potential

"This is a powerful musical presentation that will leave you
encouraged to better use your strengths and move ahead in positive ways in your life."

Michele Baer is the mother of six, a singer, songwriter and inspirational speaker. She has released 3 CD's, "Never Give Up-Songs of Faith and Family", and "Out of the Dust." Her newest is "You're Worth it All". She decided to write and record a compilation of special songs to lift and comfort those going through difficult trials. This is her best work yet.

She has a big heart and it comes through when you hear her messages of Hope for women. Michele is very involved in the community, serving as the State Director of Family Leader Network as well as producing numerous charity events. She received the American Mothers National vocal award in recognition of her ability to balance family, music and community service.

Hear selections at:

Creating More Encouraging Relationships!

This is an experiential workshop that will focus on foundational aspects of encouraging relationships! Participants will uncover their long range wishes for close relationships, become aware of basic brain research about stress, and experience and practice tried and true tools and skills to grow relationships, respectfully!! You won't forget this dynamic, interactive experience!

Dodie Blomberg, M.Ed, is a professional development coach with a passion for moving people towards a more positive outlook. Dodie is a Certified Positive Discipline Associate who supports and encourages teachers and parents to focus on children's strengths and assets, thus promoting cooperation and solutions. She is dedicated to promoting respectful relationships in homes, schools, and communities. Dodie gets the opportunity to practice her positive relationship skills as a Junior Scout Leader, an AFAA certified fitness instructor, a children's dodge ball coach, and especially as a wife and mother of two great children.

The Power of Your Appearance

You will learn how to look your best and the power that it brings. You will never, look in the mirror again and say, "Does this make me look fat?"

Allison Johnson has a sophisticated and classic style. She helps others find their style, best looks and proportions. She is amazed at the transformation that happens to women on the inside by helping them with a few changes on the outside.

Allison has always loved clothes and what they can do for a person's self esteem. She believes we truly do reflect what's inside by how we present ourselves on the outside. We do that by what we wear. Every body can look fantastic. Every body-- not just the perfect size 4. Allison's passion is to help every woman find that beautiful diva inside and teach her how to look her absolute best by how she adorns her body.

Allison is graduate of Brigham Young University, a certified Image Consultant trained at the Conselle Institute ofImage Management, a style and fit expert, a past representative for a designer women's line out of New York City, and is very passionate about helping women reach their full potential.

The Power to Overcome Fear & Live in Faith and Joy

Jacqueline Olsen will teach us how to have joy and faith even during FEARFUL times. What does it really mean to seek happiness?
Can joy be a daily companion with turmoil all around? Faith is an action word...is it active in your life?
Did you know, the happiest of people are those who live without FEAR.
FEAR is the opposite of faith and hope. FEAR, ANGER and SELFISHNESS are counter-intuitive to FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY
You cannot be happy when your life is influenced by fear anger and selfishness.

Jacqueline Olson a successful entrepreneur and marketer has the gift of helping others reach their potential. Her absolute passion in life is to help others balance their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. She has lectured to thousands about creating wealth and abundance using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Being the Master Gardener of Your Thoughts and many other topics that involve self-mastery.

As the owner of two wellness clinics, she has helped hundreds lose unwanted weight and successfully keep it off, an accomplishment achieved by addressing cravings and behaviors associated with food.


Come and Enjoy the Day with Us

Learn, Eat, Laugh and Connect

Time: 9:00 to 4:30

When: Saturday, Nov 7, 2009

Where: Vital Solutions Office
4220 E McDowell, Suite 103 Mesa, AZ 85215

Sunday, November 1, 2009

55 Days till Christmas

The way I see it we have 2 choices. Pretend Christmas is 4 weeks away, get everything done and have time to enjoy the month of December with the family, making memories or enjoy the next 4 weeks and end up like the lady in this poem.

See Mother, Funny, Funny Mother

See Mother. See Mother laugh. Mother is happy.
Mother is happy about Christmas.
Mother has many plans. Mother has many plans for Christmas.
Mother is organized. Mother smiles all the time.
Funny, funny Mother.
See Mother. See Mother smile. Mother is happy.
The shopping is all done. See the children watch TV.
Watch, children watch.
See the children change their minds.
See them ask for different toys.
Look, look, Mother is not smiling.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother sew.
Mother will make dresses.
Mother will make robes.
Mother will make shirts.

See Mother put the zipper in wrong.
See Mother sew the dress on the wrong side.
See Mother cut the skirt too short.
See Mother put the material away until January.
Look. Look. See Mother take a tranquilizer.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother buy raisins and nuts.
See Mother buy candied pineapple and powdered sugar.
See Mother buy flour, and dates, and pecans, and brown sugar, and bananas, and spices, and vanilla.
Look. Look. Mother is mixing everything together.
See the children press out cookies.
See the flour on their elbows.
See the cookies burn. See the cake fall.
See the children pull taffy. See mother pull her hair.
See mother clean the kitchen with the garden hose.
Funny, funny Mother.

See Mother. See Mother wrap presents. See Mother look for the end on the scotch tape roll. See Mother bite her finger nails. See Mother go.
See Mother go to the store 12 times in one hour.
Go Mother go. See Mother go faster. Run Mother run.
See Mother trim the tree.
See Mother have a party.
See Mother make popcorn.
See Mother wash the walls.
See Mother scrub the rug.
See Mother tear up the organized plan.
See Mother forget gift for Uncle Harold.
See Mother get hives.
Go Mother go. See the far away look in Mother's eyes.
Mother has become disorganized. Mother has become disoriented.
Funny, funny Mother.

It is finally Christmas morning. See the happy family.
See Father smile. Father is happy.
Smile Father smile.
Father loves fruit cake.
Father loves Christmas pudding.
Father loves all the new neckties.
Look, look. See the happy children. See the children's toys.
Santa was very good to the children.
The children will remember this Christmas.

See Mother. Mother is slumped in a chair.
Mother is crying uncontrollably.
Mother does not look well.
Mother has ugly dark circles under her blood shot eyes.
Everyone helps mother to her bed.
See Mother sleep quietly under heavy sedation.
See Mother smile.
Funny, funny Mother.

Don't you feel sorry for her? Have you had Christmases like this? I have. I have also had Christmas's where I got on the ball early and enjoyed the Christmas season.

Tomorrow I am making a list and start checking it off so I can have everything done before Dec. 1 and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with my family. Will you join me?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Be-YOU-tiful and Believe in Yourself

I bought this tag at Hallmark. It says Be YOU tiful. When you except yourself and celebrate YOU, you ARE beautiful. When you love yourself and become who you really are, you are happier. When you are happy, you radiate beauty from the inside out.
This is one of the messages I hope to get across at the young women's conference.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

LDS Young Woman's Conference

As some of you know I have been working on an LDS Young Women's Conference scheduled June 14-18 2010. It is amazing how much work needs to be done this early! The good news is I partnered up with Debbie Forrest. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I put her picture and bio at the bottom of this post. It is inspiring just to read about her!

Anyway.....We have been working on this for the past 2 months and are getting really excited to tell everyone about it. Our first fliers were printed today. I am putting the info from the fliers on this post so you can be the first to read all about it!

We would love feedback on this.

June 14-18 2010
Conference will be held at a hotel in Mesa. We are negotiation on that right now.
This life-changing week will empower teenage girls with inner strength, courage, and confidence to reach their potential and find lasting happiness.

Time to Blossom is a unique experience, designed to help each young woman:

o Understand her self-worth
o Know that she is a beautiful daughter of God.
o Discover her powerful potential to make a difference in the world.

This conference will help each young woman believe in herself and know that whatever she can believe, she can achieve.

Registration begins Dec. 1, 2010 and ends Feb. 1 2010. Space is Limited.

Young women will experience a fun-filled week with training in:

+ Goal setting, character building, leadership
+ Self worth and personal strength
+ Developing inner and outer beauty
+ Modeling, etiquette, poise, social skills
+ Wardrobe, hair, makeup
+ Health, fitness, nutrition

Plus, the girls will:

+ Experience the joy of service
+ Participate in testimony-building spiritual experiences
+ Have a fun comedy night, pajama party and movie night
+ Learn from professional speakers and role model counselors
+ Enjoy a fashion show
+ And more!

Debbie Forrest

Debbie grew up in California and went on to pursue her education at Brigham Young University. In college, Debbie served as the ASBYU Women's Vice President and co-founder of the Annual Women's Conference held at BYU. She also served as the Regional Vice President for the United States in the Intercollegiate Association of Women College Students. It was at BYU where Debbie met and married her husband, Bill Forrest. Following graduation, they moved to Connecticut where Bill began working for Life Insurance Marketing Research Association (LIMRA) and Debbie founded an image consulting firm. In 1984, they moved to Southern California, where she became a full-time mother, which has brought her the greatest joy in life. In 1991 they moved to Mesa, Arizona, where they now still reside.

Bill and Debbie were blessed with seven children and founded their family on principles of leadership and service. After Bill's passing in 2000, Debbie continued to encourage her children to be involved in their schools, church and community. Debbie would agree, of all her achievements, the most important ones are those that appear in the lives of her children. The Forrest children are church service missionaries, Student Body Presidents, Eagle Scouts, honor students, entrepreneurial winners, athletes and musicians. As a family, they have served extensively with various charities, scouting troops and religious groups. They have also traveled abroad to help impoverished families in Honduras & Mexico.

In 2003, Debbie Forrest was recognized as the Arizona Parent of the Year and in 2004 she was named as the National Parent of the Year in Washington, D.C. In addition to her national honors, Debbie has served in her community as the PTO President and has organized fund-raisers to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for schools and non-profit organizations. She has served as the community Block Watch President for seventeen years and a scout leader for over five years. Debbie has served in her church as a stake Young Women President, ward Young Women President, teacher of 11 year old girls, and has been in charge of 3 stake youth conferences. She has also participated as a speaker at many events across the United States.

Debbie's drive to make a difference in the lives of those around her has made her a dynamic force that has benefited the people, programs and organizations with which she has been involved. She is excited for the opportunity to organize and participate in the Young Women's Conference, and especially looks forward to interacting and strengthening the incredible young women who will participate in the program.

What did I tell you, she is awesome!

I am working on the TimetoBlossom.com website. It is up but not finished. If you have any questions about the camp I would love to answer them:) Email me at carlajorgensen@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Self Esteem in Teenage girls

As my 2 older daughters were going through their teenage years, I could see how their self-esteem took a beating year after year in high school. Pressure came from all sides. These years are especially brutal for girls.

Women, in general, had lower self-esteem than men, although both genders have identical high levels between the ages of 9 and 12. "During adolescence, girls' self-esteem dropped about twice as much as boys'."

At that time I read a book called Reviving Ophelia. It is a book about what girls go through during these years. It says girls are their true selves at 12 and year after year they quit being themselves by trying to be accepted by their peers. They give up their likes, style, hobbies, talents etc. to fit in.

Reviving Ophelia discusses the painful identity crisis many young women in American society experience as they pass from childhood into adulthood.
Girls become “female impersonators” who fit their whole selves into small, crowded spaces. Vibrant, confident girls become shy, doubting young women. Girls stop thinking “Who am I? What do I want? And start thinking “What must I do to please others?”

Here are some sad statistics:
1 in 2 teens who have been in a serious relationships say they've gone against their beliefs in order to please their partner

92% of teen girls would like to change something about the way they look, with body weight ranking the highest.

70% of girls ages 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities such as attending school, going to the doctor, or even giving their opinion "due to feeling badly about one’s looks."

Only 2% of women describe themselves as “beautiful”

While only 19% of teenage girls are "overweight," 67% think they "need to lose weight"

90% of eating disorders are found in girls

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pay it forward

The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead.

I remember when I was 16, driving back from Kanab Utah to Arizona in my Volkswagen bug. I didn't understand that 115 degrees and not checking the water was a bad combo. My cousin and I ended up breaking down on the side of the road. A very nice man came and towed us to a gas station and then took us to a motel. We asked what we could do for him and he said just help someone else in the same way that I have helped you. I have always remembered him and what he said.

Kyle and I have stopped to help many people to make good on his request.

This video has a great message. What if we all payed it forward today?

My Song in the Night

O Jesus my Savior, my song in the night,
Come to us with Thy tender love,
my souls delight.
Unto Thee, O Lord, in affliction I call,
My comfort by day, and my song in the night.

O why should I wander, an alien from Thee,
Or cry in the desert Thy face to see?
My comfort and joy, my souls delight,
O Jesus my Savior, my song in the night.

My song in the night, my song in the night,
in the night, in the night, in the night.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to Find What You're Passionate About

Finding what you're passionate about and having that in your life, is one of the keys to a happy life.  Each one of us are born with unique gifts and talents, things our unique selves are interested in and love.  When these things are a part of our lives we feel happy.  When we don't know what these things are and don't spend time in these key areas of interest, we can feel like something is missing.

For Example:  If one of the things you are passionate about is nature and the outdoors, and you spend most of your time in an inner city skyscraper, you may start feeling sad or at least not as vibrant and happy as you could be.  Once you identify that nature is one of your passions, then you can add pictures of nature all around you.  You can add live plants and even a small fountain where you can hear running water.

For one week pay attention to what makes you smile, touches you and excites you. You can always tell when someone is passionate about something, they become very energetic and excited when they talk to you about it. Watch yourself. When do you get animated? This is a huge clue. When you were 12 what did you like to do? What inspires you?
What part of the newspaper do you gravitate to? If you could only go to one section of a bookstore or library what section would it be?
What upsets you about the world, and you would change if you could? What are your natural talents? How do you want to make a difference in the world?

How to Find Your Passions

Step 1. Make a list of 10 things that would give your life joy, happiness, peace, passion, and fulfillment.

 Don’t look ahead.

 Take your time and think deeply.

 Close your eyes and picture your ideal life.

 What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you? How do you feel?

Questions you might ask yourself:
1. What kind of family life would be your ideal?
2. What kind of atmosphere and home would you like to live in?
3. What would you like to spend your time doing?
4. Where would you like to visit and with whom?
5. What kind of income and job would you like?
6. What kind of people would you like to spend your time with?
7. What legacy would you like to leave?
8. What kind of service would you like to give to the world?

Examples that others have written:
1. Living in a beautiful home in which I feel completely at peace.
2. Working in a nurturing environment.
3. Enjoying perfect health with lots of energy, stamina and vitality.
4. Having fun in everything I do.
5. Spending lots of quality time with my family
6. Working with a supportive team of people who share my values.
7. Looking and feeling great.
8. Having knowledge, tools and wisdom to deal with experiences.
9. Working at what I love.
10. Giving back to the community.
11. I am in control of my thoughts and my life.

Remember, passions are how you live your life. Goals are things that you achieve.

Make your list.











Step 2. Compare the items on the list to identify which are the most important ones to you. Ignore the “score” line for now.

a. If you could have number 1 or number 2 which would you choose?

b. Continue comparing the one you choose with the next number on the list until you go through the entire list. Then write the one you chose as number one on the next page.
(For example, if you compared the first item on the list to the second, and you chose the second, then you would next compare the second item to the third. If you again chose the second item, then you’d compare the second item to the fourth and so on, always comparing your choice to the next item on the list.)

c. Start again, comparing each item, always keeping the one that’s more important. When you get to the end of the list, write the choice that remains as number two. Go through the list again and write the remaining item as number three and so on until you have identified your five most important elements.

d. A really important point to remember is that if you get stuck and can’t decide which item is more important, ask yourself, “If you could be number one and not number two, would you prefer that? Or, “If you could be number two and not number one, would you prefer that?”

Today’s Date _____

My Top 5 Passions Score

1.___________________________________ _______

2.___________________________________ _______

3.___________________________________ _______

4.___________________________________ _______

5.___________________________________ _______

Total Score _______

Now that you’ve identified your top 5 passions, let’s figure out how aligned your present life is with what you love.

Next to each of your passions, put a “10” if you currently are living this passion to the full extent you desire, or a “0” if you’re not living it at all.
If you aren’t yet a 10, but you’re on the way there, put a number between 0 and 10 that reflects how much you believe you’re living that passion.

As you score each passion, be honest with yourself. The purpose of this exercise is to help you align yourself with your passion.

As you score each passion, see how that score feels inside. Does it feel right? If you feel like it may be a little high, drop it by one and see how that feels. If it feels a little low, raise it by one and see how that feels. Keep adjusting until the number feels like it really reflects your life right now.

If you are truthful with yourself as you score your passions, you create the ground for creating what you really want in your life. Your score on each passion tells your subconscious mind how much attention that part of your life needs.

Okay, go back to your list and score your passions.

Now add up all five scores and multiply them by two.
(For example, if your five scores total 45, then your Passion Test score is ninety—45 x 2 –and you’re VERY close to living the life of your dreams, as you define it.)

You now have the information you need to begin making the changes in your life that will lead you to 100. Write these down in your journal or on your mirror and evaluate how much time you spend living a passionate life.

One of my passions is flowers. I am happy when I have them around me:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wardrobe Makeover

Do you love to look at makeovers? I do. My favorite show on TV is "What not to Wear". I love to watch women that don't think fashion is important go on the show and completely change their personality and confidence level because they look good on the outside.

Jessica seems to have gotten every fashion rule wrong.

TIPS TO REMEMBER from Allison Johnson Image Consultant

1. Dress Your Age.
2. Dress for Your Body Type.
3. Just because it looks good on your friend doesn't mean it will look good on you.
4. Don't save it for a special occassion, wear it now.
5. Remember: Fit, Silhouette and Proportion!
6. Classic never goes out of style.
7. Buy better quality Classic pieces and inexpensive (cheap!) Trendy pieces.
8. Light colored fabric shows shoddy and cheap workmanship, so if want to scrimp, buy less quality pieces in dark colors.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Girls Camp Service Project

We made homemade boxes out of scrapbook paper. They are very easy and super cute.

Here is step by step directions.

Each box was tied with a bow and a homemade tag that said things like, May Your Dreams Come True, Dream Big, You Can Do Amazing Things, Live Your Dreams, and Dare to Dream.

Inside the box we made fresh water pearl stretchy bracelets. Each one had a charm hanging from it that said Hope, Love, Faith, Courage,etc.

We had 220 girls each making one. They were so cute all together. We had bags and bags of them.

Debbie Forrest and I were in charge of this activity. She decorated the room all princessy.

We are donating these to Fresh Start Women's Center in Phoenix.
We went and toured the facility and were really impressed with everything they have to offer. They have a Doctor, Lawyer, Career Counselor, Library, Computers with Internet, Classes, an Image room where they give haircuts and clothes. It is a one stop shop for any women who needs help getting a job or starting a new life. Check out their website they are doing an important work.

Monday, June 22, 2009

What are We Waiting For?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain

I am a big believer in dreaming big. Sometimes my dreams of changing the world, helping women or finding purpose and meaning in what I do gets some snickers but I don't care. I would rather dream big dreams.

This quote sums up my feelings pretty well.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."-- Theodore Roosevelt

Today is the day to take action on something you have said you want to do someday. It only has to be a phone call or google search but take a little action to move yourself forward one of your dreams:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Do Something Fun and Unexpected

Thanks for the video Anne. I got this off of Not Entirely British. http://networkedblogs.com/p6117785

This reminds me of having spontaneous fun. Why are we so stiff sometimes. Look at the audience that enjoyed and started clapping and the people who were stunned into watching. Which one would you rather be?

You have to make opportunities fun and fun up opportunities!

I remember watching Mama Mia the movie. It was the funnest movie I have been to in a long time. These older than me ladies dressed up, sang, danced and ran through the streets singing and gathering others as they went.

I went to the movie with a bunch of women and as we were coming out of the movie everyone was saying how fun it would be to dress up and sing some of those songs. I was feeling it too. It seemed I had grown too old to dress up and be goofy, too scared to put on an 80's outfit and sing and dance outside. But the dream was still planted. How could a respectable, 45 year old mother of 5 do such a fun, crazy thing? Then it hit me. If I did it at a retreat people might go along with me. I could have my crazy fun and allow others to do the same.

So we did. Yes it was scary. Yes it was out of my comfort zone, especially when Jodi led us from a very secluded place over to the street where people could actually see us.

Elenore Roosevelt said "Do something everyday that scares you."

Good Advice. It was exhilarating!

Be Goofy today and do sometime fun and unexpected.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 2009 Retreat

I just got finished with a retreat. I changed it from a women's retreat to a family retreat. It was MY family. My mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters came. We had a wonderful 5 days together in Scottsdale. My sister Amy put a few posts on her blog about the retreat so why reinvent the wheel right? Go to her blog and you can hear about some of the things we did.


I took everyone to Jodi's Blossom Salon for makeovers. Jodi cut my mother's hair really cute. She loves it!

Shari taught us a health class, took us on a field trip to a health food store and showed us all the glorious foods we could be eating. Shari's class was one of the highlights for my family. They are all going to try to eat less sugar and fat. Shari's demonstration is life changing. I wish everyone could see it. (We are going to do a day seminar in Sept. or Oct. so maybe she can show you then.)

Here is the email my sister Amy sent to me. No wonder it took me a few days to recover. Just the letter alone makes me tired. If you ever come to one of my retreats don't plan on laying around relaxing. I try to put in as much as possible in the time I have.

Dear Carla,

That retreat was one of the nicest things I have ever been to. On my way home I typed up all my notes "Goals" "To Do List" "Websites to check" "Things to put on my blog" "Things to Buy" plus pages and pages of journal. I had at the top of my to do list "Thank Carla".

The 3 guest speakers were great, very knowledgeable and enjoyable. Jodi made me look cute. The condos were beautiful and spacious. I'm so glad our brothers were able to be with us. Cheryl and Cindy were the happiest I've seen them in a long time. Everyone was fun to be around.

I loved your story of junkyard girl, and how you changed. That is a great example.

You thought of everything, so much food and snacks and crafts and lesson plans and books, exercise equipment, and on and on.
Just thinking of all the pounds of supplies you and your family had to carry from your home to the condos makes me tired.

I got an aquamarine ring from Mother, and although I hate to wear jewelry, I have been wearing the ring everyday, and every time it bugs me, I look at it and think it is so beautiful and say to myself "I am going to change. I am going to do the hard things because they are worth it." So my goal is to actually do the hard things that I haven't done: I hate to paint, so my walls are beige. I hate to put up curtains, so I live with the ones that came with the house, etc. I need to change all those things so I'm surrounded by the stuff I love instead of putting up with stuff I dislike.

I bought organic milk because I don't want Zac and Wayne drinking estrogen anymore. And I won't buy lunch meat with nitrates anymore. I have to go on that website and print out the most important vegetables and fruits to buy organic, and start doing that.

I bought the prettiest water glass because it was gorgeous and I wanted to drink my ice water from a gorgeous glass. I finished my strengths board, but need to print my photo then it will be done. I put words on it that arent' true yet but they will be: author, patternmaker, gardener.

I wore high heels to church on Sunday and to graduation instead of my flat sandals. I am going to buy some nice slacks and some new neutral pumps and a black pencil skirt to go with my vintage jacket. I have a whole new understanding of what it means to look nice.

I got a bowl and 20 buttons and yesterday I went up the stairs 20 times until I had dropped all the buttons in the bowl. I found a camping pad and sat on it and did 10 crunches and 10 girl push ups. I've got to look online and see if I can find a trampoline. You gave me good ideas.

You really provided us with new ideas, presented in a fun setting, and it really changed my life.


(Thanks Amy for such a nice letter!!!)

Here is one of the assignments I gave to the retreater before they came.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Worst Fear

"Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be so brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are we not to be?

You are a child of God: Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

~Marianne Williamson, her book "A RETURN TO LOVE", 1992

Friday, April 17, 2009

Quotes for Women

Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the
heck happened.
- Cora Harvey Armstrong

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But, I can usually
shut her up with cookies.

I prefer Twinkies to PopTarts because they
don't require as much cooking. -Carrie Snow

I don't do dishes and I don't do windows. I don't do
dishes because I have a dishwasher. And I don't
do windows because they don't fit in the dishwasher.

Old age ain't no place for sissies .
-Bette Davis-

Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body
starts falling apart.
- Caryn Leschen

Naomi Judd- I am fond of saying that my door is always open and my mind is never closed.

We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
–Helen Keller

There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.

Audrey Hepburn's "Beauty Tips"
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

This is my beautiful sister Cheryl in 1972.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fun Mom Songs and How to Raise Independent Children

Hillary Weeks

Mom Song Anita Renfroe
Anita is incredibly creative and fun and I did enjoy the video, but I started thinking about how this is a very real parenting style. I have been around moms like this. It is exhausting for the mom, and the kids totally tune out. It is true that a mom's work never ends, but do our mouths really need to run like this all day? Picture having to watch this video everyday. How long would it take for you to start ignoring her? How capable is a child that has to be told everything to do and micro managed on every aspect of his life? It actually cripples him.

I remember a friend of my daughter commenting on the fact that my two little girls could make toast and a peanut butter sandwich at age 3 and her 13 year old brother still couldn't make a sandwich. My style of parenting is a more hands off approach(except for lots and lots of hugs). The concept is....anything the child can do for themselves, I let them do. Some of the things this includes are: keeping track of their own appointments and carpools, reminding me about their activities (not the other way around), making their own appointments, doing their homework and reports by themselves, waking up and getting themselves ready for school, learn cooking and start doing their own laundry at age 8.

Do you know children whose parents were depressed or disinterested and the child had to become the adult? I don't carry it THAT far. But the principle is still there. The kids will rise to the occasion. If we give them responsibility they will become responsible.

My theory is that I am raising a child to be completely independent by age 18, with every skill necessary when they are thrown into the real world. This means they need to have self management, be able to cook, clean, shop, manage money, earn money, manage time, be a hard worker, know life skills. If I do everything for them, I get tired and they learn very little. If I am always doing everything for them, when they move out and don't have me around to help them, they won't know what to do or even how to think. I know it might sound selfish to have your children do so much but I have seen the results. I would rather have them doing too much for themselves now and find the real world easy than the other way around. I think my older kids can tell you that there wasn't much of an adjustment period when they moved out. They felt like competent adults at age 12. This method develops confident, competent human beings. Instead of me being a worn out, do everything for everyone mother, who nobody listens to, I have more time and my kids become independent. Which method do you prefer?
Authors note:
I don't want to come off looking like I'm the perfect mother. I do think there are many styles of parenting. Here are the comments from my grown kids. Mindy said "I agree that I was very independent, but I also wished growing up that I had a mom that took care of me more. But, maybe that's just me, and I definitely wouldn't be who I am today if you were any different." And Jade said that she didn't like going to the grocery store as much as I made her go. Maybe the real point of this post is to remember to have moderation in all things:)
Here is another perspective. I believed that kids should do their own reports and projects and I didn't help them with these, but I was talking to my sister the other night and her fondest memories were helping her children with their projects. I can see that it could have been some fun family time if that was the intention.
I know each of us do the best we can. For me it is helpful to hear how others view things, so I can choose the best way for me. Hope these ideas helped.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Loaded Questions and Apple Survey

Jade and Josh are big game players. They got a new game called Loaded Questions. It is a really fun party game for 6 people. You read a question like, if you were to write a book what would it be on? Everyone answers anonymously and the person whose turn it is has to guess who wrote the answers. It is a pretty fun game that I would recommend.

While we were playing the game Jade brought over 15 different apples that we all tasted so we could figure out our favorites.

Here is the results:

Honeycrisp 1
Golden Delicious 1 sweet and sour
Pink Lady 2
Pacific Rose 2 sweet rose taste
Ambrosia 2 sweetest vintage taste
Fuji 2 crisp
Gala 3 no flavor
Braeburn 5
Jonagold 5
Red delicious worst
Macintosh worst
Rome worst

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You're Invited to a Women's Retreat June 3-5 2009

As a life coach I have learned so many wonderful ways to help women and I'm so excited to put them to use at another retreat. My dream is to help women find their passion, live their purpose and find more joy and love in their relationships (which means putting themselves first sometimes).

I believe when women are able to get away for a day or two, they come back refreshed and their children and husbands appreciate them even more. It is a win win situation for everyone. The retreat is a way to get away, learn, deepen friendships, dream bigger, and have fun too.

I hear from women all the time about the guilt they feel when they take care of themselves. They think they are being selfish if they spend any time or money on themselves. They can't bear the guilt. You don't have to feel guilty. You deserve to put yourself first sometimes and get replenished and renewed. It isn't selfish it is healthy. Do you know what happens when you give EVERYTHING to EVERYONE and never yourself? Pretty soon your bucket is empty and you don't have anything left to give. Can't we see that when we are happy, balanced and fulfilled we have more to give, and we are setting better examples for our daughters? I see women all the time signing their children up for camps, classes and buying clothes for their kids, never thinking that those things are important for themselves too. I could go on and on about this subject because I am passionate about women taking care of themselves. If it is your time to have fun and renewal please consider coming to our getaway.

The retreat is June 3-5, 2009 at Marriott Canyon Villas at Desert Ridge in Scottsdale. Here are some pictures of the resort.
http://www.marriott.com/hotels/hotel-photos/phxcv-marriotts-canyon-villas/ It is a very beautiful, upscale resort.

There will be lots of classes, great food, activities, crafts and socializing. After the last retreat was over several of the participants asked if they could come back to another one. (Their testimonials are toward the end of this post)

Let me introduce you to the retreat instructors.
This is an amazing team of professional women who are knowledgeable and passionate about what they teach.

Shari Lyon. She is a wellness coach and licensed massage therapist. She is passionate about her slogan of “live well, eat well, be well.” The only thing that makes her happier than living a natural health lifestyle is helping others make great changes in their lives so that they too can experience “wellness”!
She has completed many, many hours of natural health education, has earned a BS in holistic nutrition and is currently working on her MS in holistic nutrition. She has trained in EFT, Chinese cupping, reflexology, and aromatherapy. She has also completed the requirements as a certified natural health consultant.

Michele Baer is the mother of six, a singer, songwriter and inspirational speaker. She has released 3 CD's, "Never Give Up-Songs of Faith and Family", "Out of the Dust" and her newest (came out April 2009) is "You're Worth it All." She has a big heart and it comes through when you hear her messages of Hope for women. Michele is very involved in the community, serving as the State Director of Family Leader Network as well as producing numerous charity events. She received the American Mothers National vocal award in recognition of her ability to balance family, music and community service. Hear selections from http://michelebaermusic.com/

Dodie Blomberg, M.Ed, is a professional development coach with a passion for moving people towards a more positive outlook. Dodie is a Certified Positive Discipline Associate who supports and encourages teachers and parents to focus on children’s strengths and assets, thus promoting cooperation and solutions. She is dedicated to promoting respectful relationships in homes, schools, and communities. Dodie gets the opportunity to practice her positive relationship skills as a Junior Scout Leader, an AFAA certified fitness instructor, a children’s dodgeball coach, and especially as a wife and mother of two great children.

Allison Johnson just got back from a two week training at the Conselle Institute of Image Management. She is about to burst waiting to teach you all the things she learned. (I can't wait!)
She has a sophisticated and classic style and helps others find their style, best looks and proportions. She is amazed at the transformation that happens to women on the inside by helping them with a few changes on the outside.
Allison has always loved clothes and what they can do for a person's self esteem. She believes we truly do reflect what's inside by how we present ourselves on the outside. We do that by what we wear. Every body can look fantastic. Every body-- not just the perfect size 4, Victoria's Secret body. Allison's passion is to help every woman find that beautiful diva inside and teach her how to look her absolute best by how she adorns her body.
Allison is a graduate of Brigham Young University, a flight attendant for 22 years, and is a professional Image Consultant.

Jodi Hatfield is the owner of Blossom Salon and Boutique on Main St. in Mesa. She is a creative genius and she is our designated fun maker. Jodi has a great eye for flattering hair styles and colors and has great taste in clothes and interior design. She keeps busy by remaking vintage furniture, designing children's bedrooms and having fun with her husband and daughters.

Carla is the President of Time to Blossom Coaching and Retreats. She received her coach training from Adler School of Professional Coaching and has been coaching for 2 years. She is a life long learner, especially in the area of personal development. She and her husband of 27 years have 5 children and have owned many businesses together. She brings all of these experiences and knowledge to her coaching.
She has a passion for helping women live fulfilling meaningful lives.

The cost of the 3 night Scottsdale retreat is $335.00. This includes all classes, food, activities, crafts and accommodations.

The retreat is 6/3-6/5, Wed-Friday. The retreat activities are over Friday night but you are welcome to spend the night and checkout at 9:00 am Sat. morning.

Here is what you missed at the last retreat

Jodi had little signs on the doors of the main rooms so it was easier to know where to go. One room was called the fun room. It was for line dancing, picnic, future self exercise and our dancing queen training. There was also the girl talk room. That was for our workshops and cooking class. And our fabulous yum yum room where we had wonderful meals, a candlelight dinner, crafts and a little dancing on the table.

Fun girls

Two of the teachers, Dodie and Michele, looking gorgeous! That night Michele gave us an inspirational talk of word and song. She writes music of hope for women. I love to hear her tell how and why she wrote the songs. Then of course the best part is hearing her sing them.
We were lucky enough to hear 4 of the songs that are going on her new album that will be out in a few months. I love these songs so much, I will let everyone know when they are finally available.
Dodie did some life coaching and taught a few classes including Top Card.

Shari teaching her wellness class.

Our candlelight dinner eating Shari's gourmet healthy food.

Jodie teaching us line dancing. Yes, we eventually got dancing pretty well. We had to watch her for awhile first.

I didn't get a picture of Allison teaching her fashion class but she was fabulous! She gave us all some great information and motivation. I have heard reports of people buying shoes, altering clothes and buying new foundation garments. Whoo hoo!

It was fun seeing everyone's goals in pictures as the women made dream boards. I got reports from the ladies that they have hung up their strengths craft and dream boards in their closets and bathrooms so they can see them everyday.

This was the Top Card activity that Dodie facilitated. Many women said this was their favorite part.

We made a craft using the strengths the women discovered about themselves. They all turned out unique and pretty.

The food was awesome. Here is the panini bar we had the last night. We also served roasted red pepper soup, tortilla soup and a yummy salad.

The wonderful women who came to my first retreat.

Here is what the participants said:

Retreat Testimonials

I had a wonderful two days and loved every minute of it. It was amazing!!! I loved the lessons you taught and the lessons that I learned about life and myself. You are an amazing person and I appreciate you sharing so much of yourself with us. I really had a wonderful time and would totally love to do it again. Thank you!! I truly enjoyed all of the women that spoke, sang and danced. It was a once in a lifetime activity. Thanks so much, ~Patrice

I loved the retreat on so many levels. I know this sounds trite, but it really did change my life. Thank you so so so so so much!!!! ~Lisa

In addition to staying in beautiful facilities, meeting some amazing people, and eating delicious food, my favorite part of the retreat had to be the focus I came home with. With the skills I learned and the discoveries I made, it has been easier for me to realize and give attention to those things that are most important in my life. -Colette

I left the retreat feeling fed both physically and emotionally. I learned so many new things, but didn't feel soo overwhelmed that I wouldn't be able to get any of them done. I hope to add a nice protein shake to my breakfast. I think about the start of my 100 goals all the time, and think about what I might be able to accomplish. I bought a new pair of shoes to help update my wardrobe. I have my strengths picture in my closet, where I see it every day, and my poster is hanging there as well. It was so fun to share, laugh, and learn in a beautiful place with women that I felt completely safe with. ~Denise

I learned to cook healthier, dress smarter, act wiser, enjoy music, be more goal oriented and finding my ultimate passions. The pursuit of happiness is up for the taking. My horizon has been broadened. Thanks for the experience. ~Meri

Our retreat with Carla Jorgensen was a weekend of friendship, learning, opening our minds to endless possibilities, goal setting, being inspired and lots of fun. I went home knowing I have a purpose and could 'BECOME'.........~Valerie

If this sounds like something you would enjoy, let me know.